For this month, we’re supposed to talk about an upcoming event and its offerings. I’ll list my author events below, but they are different than ones most of you would be interested in. So instead, I’d like to tell you about an event that the St. Louis chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) has planned. I’m on the board and planning committee.
Thursday, April 28
5:30–7:30 p.m.
Angad Arts Hotel
3550 Samuel Shepard Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63103
Join IABC-St. Louis as we celebrate communication, communicators, spring and surviving the pandemic at our first 2022 in-person event.
Current, former and prospective IABC members are welcome, as are students.
- Members $25
- Non-members $40
- Students FREE with promo code
Save the date or register now. We’d love to see you there!
And if you are interested in getting to know me as an author, feel free to say hi at one of these in-person events.
June 23-26
Chanticleer Book Conference – 10th Anniversary
Bellingham, WA
Date, time and subject of presentation TBD
August 4-6
Romance GenreCon 2022
Kansas City, MO
Nicole will be attending and signing books